Huis aan de Kade, Antwerp, Belgium

The project Huis aan de Kade - which is part of the larger urban development project Nieuw Zuid - is a U-shaped residential building along the Scheldt. The building block is flanked by an ample amount of greenery: in addition to the public inner garden, the project also has winter and roof gardens. The rather massive façade on the one hand and the light walls of the winter gardens on the other interact to create an overall balanced appearance. 
On the ground floor of this residential building, we find a fordable level with galleries and commercial spaces. On the side facing the Scheldt quay, the ground floor is completely opened up. By elevating the building and allowing the landscape to continue beneath it, this project is generously oriented towards public space. Near the quay, the architecture of this building thus creates an invitation to meet.
Triple Living
Robbrecht en Daem architecten
Residential building with an open walk-through ground floor composed of galleries, commercial spaces and a public garden
Antwerp, Belgium
Floor Area
11.173 m2
Paul Robbrecht, Hilde Daem, Johannes Robbrecht, Joris Van Huychem, Wim Voorspoels, Simon Ceuterick, Barbara Deceuninck, Valérie De Ketelaere, Layla Lavens, Brecht Casier, Frédéric Timmermans, Filipa Araùjo, Esther Schepens, Hilke Goffin
Structural Engineering
Studiebureau Michel Brosens & Ben Verbeeck
VK Architects & Engineers
Bureau Bas Smets